Can dental Hygiene Fix Bad Breath

Bad breath has a technical term called halitosis. This can cause hesitation with social environments or work and be embarrassing or cause anxiety. It's no surprise we are bombarded with mints, chewing gum, mouth rinses and more which are all designed to eliminate or reduce bad breath. Unfortunately most of these products are only temporary measures because they don't address what causes bad breath.

Certain foods, health conditions and habits are some of the reasons you get bad breath.

In many cases, you can improve bad breath with consistent proper dental hygiene at home with daily flossing, interdental brushes and brushing. If home care is not helping then it is time to see a dentist.


With all symptoms below always check with your dentist to see which of the below is the cause.

  • Trapped Food. old trapped food breaks down and causes bacteria and this can start to smell.

  • Tobacco. Tobacco orders can get trapped and emanate specific smells.

  • Dry Mouth. Your mouth needs to stay wet to help keep it clean. Some diseases can cause dry mouth which in turn creates bad breath.

  • Poor Dental Hygiene. As mentioned above poor home dental routines can lead to orders from bacteria resulting from trapped food in the teeth.

  • Medications. The chemical reactions of some medications can cause dry mouth or react with he body to produce odours.

  • Other. Some cancers produce a specific smell, gastro reflux is another, or in your children food trapped in a nostril can be the cause.


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